Tuesday, July 25, 2017

CheapOair is Cheating



I booked a ticket today. The site is cheating. I searched a date and found a ticket I'd like to buy. But when I booked it, a question box kept popping up, telling me 3 times if I my date is flexible, I could save $49! No, I don't want to change date, so I kept the book process going. But at the 3rd time, I wondered what that button of "yes, keep the date" mean. Was it to keep my original booking date and add some flexibility? So I pushed it. -- There I went, the booking date was changed for me, and by the way the destiny changed to a nearby airport, and I could not change it back!! There was no button for me to choose to go back!!

I made a call to their customer service, they won't be able to help me to change back the date or destiny airport, saying the ticket price is going up within the hour. I did not see a $49 cheaper ticket, but I had a changed date travel to a different airport. All they could offer was to for me to add a minimum $76-91 to change to a ticket to my originally booked route.

Technically the button label was misleading, then there was no button provided to change back, then their customer service only there to charge you more if you want to correct this problem. Very bad. The first person who received my call blamed on me for pushing the wrong button, the second person did a very similar thing. They probably just hope I'll spend more.

我會繼續關注Trustpilot,看他們是否在review了我的評論之後重新發布。我給CheapOair網站的評分是一顆星,very disappointed!今早我再查看,評他們一顆星的有300多人,不算我。

(後記:CheapOair用電郵送給每個顧客一個評論服務的鏈接,問"Are you satisfied with the services provided by our customer service executive?"很高興他們詢問,可惜"No" button是假的,按下去沒有反應!我用 reply 告訴他們我很不滿意,他們立即指定一個客戶服務號碼給我,要求我詳細說明情況。我把本文的鏈結寄給他們,可是他們好像不看,仍然很有禮貌地要求我作詳細說明。好吧,把Trustpilot的評論拷貝寄去。回答令人很失望,基本上是說他們提供了靈活日期的選擇,我選擇以後saved money了,如果想要改回原日期,就必須額外付錢...還說他們有screenshot! 我很生氣,請他們不要再說假話,立即改變誤導顧客的設計,提供顧客取消/退回的選擇。結果他們有人打電話來,不巧的是,那天我上班沒有帶手機!他們的電郵記下說,我們試圖找你,可是找不到。我立即回郵請他們再撥,我不想對他們客服部代表重新解釋一遍,聽到同樣的回答!

他們的回答仍然令人失望。可是在每封信結尾處都註明「Status: Resolved. Priority: Critical」所以我必須耐心,繼續回郵說:You are mistaken. I don't have a "concern" regarding a call back. I just don't want to call your general customer service #, and have to repeat the talk to whoever pick up the phone. My phone# is...

另一封電郵說:Thank you Stacie for a better reply. My complaint was that I could not return to a previous page or cancel a step in the middle of booking. After I entered my credit card payment information, I was tricked into pushing a wrong button. The screen is designed to mislead! And you customer service department was specifically not to help me to rectify the error. I did not ask you to refund, I called to change my travel date back, or to my original destiny, your customer service specifically didn't want to help me with that without asking me to pay much more! Now I ended up with a very unsatisfactory ticket!!

最後,我這個case終於引起了他們的manager的注意。他們打電話給我,商議提出我若同意不換機票,他們可以還一部份錢給我。我當然感謝他們的$32!在我的信用卡上,除了那一張Alaska航空公司的機票,另外的$32是CheapOair收的服務費吧。另外,他們指出我原先預訂的票目的地並沒有不同,他們只改了日子,並沒改機場--嗯,可能是我記錯了。) )


  1. There's lots of tricks inside 'Cheap'air. instead of saving money, it could turn out spending even more money. I prefer to purchase ticket directly from airline.

  2. 晚上检查Trustpilot顾客评论网,我的评论经过review发表了。后面又有两个人评论CheapOair为一颗星--Bad Service!
