Tuesday, November 26, 2013



Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah -- I wish you'd remember 修殿節啊修殿節—我盼望你會記得
That you shouldn't be here til the end of December 你一般應在12月底才到來
You're falling on Thanksgiving, who knows what to eat? 可你落在感恩節,到底该喫啥?
Apple sauce and latkes on a turkey's white meat 蘋果醬和馬鈴薯餅,配一塊火雞白肉

(副歌)The pilgrims play dreidel 美國新移民玩希伯來字母方陀螺
It's the craziest thing that we've heard 所聽過的最離奇的事
You just couldn't wait 你都等不及
Oy - we can't keep it straight 字母Oy咱們分不清
And now Thanksgivukkah's a word.現在感恩節和修殿節成了一個字

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah -- there's no one still living修殿節啊修殿節—
Who's lit their Menorah right on Thanksgiving 他們沒有人活著在感恩節點燃燭臺
We all love both days and don't want to choose, 兩個節我們都喜歡,不願只選其一
So, Thanksgivvukkah it is for American Jews. 所以,美國猶太人慶祝Thanksgivvukkah

(副歌)The pilgrims play dreidel
It's the craziest thing that we've heard
You just couldn't wait
Oy - we can't keep it straight
And now Thanksgivukkah's a word.

感恩節是美國新移民所設立的節日,而修殿節是猶太人的感恩歡慶節,也叫做光明節,8天中每天要多點燃一枝燈燭,喫特別的食物--馬鈴薯餅和Matzo丸子湯,玩陀螺--那種猶太人玩的dreidel。他們在會堂中會念這樣的頌讚詞:We kindle these lights because of the wondrous deliverance You performed for our ancestors. During these 8 days of Hanukkah, these lights are sacred; we are not to use them but to behold them, so that their glow may rouse us to give thanks for Your wondrous act of deliverance. 所以,這是個感謝救恩,頌讚上帝赐生命供養我們生活的日子。

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