Monday, September 20, 2010



按照Richard Niebuhr教授的歸納,基督徒對於信仰與文化應該有何關係的看法分爲五種。1. 基督教反對文化:基督必興旺,其他信仰必敗落;2. 基督教屬於文化:人文歷史就是聖靈對人類作工的過程;3. 基督教超越文化:律法、理性、福音、教會都是為靈魂歸主預備;4. 基督教是似非而是的文化:信與不信、應許與應驗、不同去從;5. 基督教更新改革文化 :神的大能,人的回應。


隨大流,攀比其他人的生活方式,尋求被人接納和羡慕。中國人尤其重視“合群”,需要被周圍的人接納,面上有光,甚至不惜一切代價。別人的孩子都會彈琴、都上好大學,我的孩子也可不差人一截,等等。基督信仰倒未必命令你處處標新立異,可“不要效法這個世界”是明文提倡的。合和本聖經翻譯成“不要效法”(be conformed),聼來好像我們是主動作決定去模仿什麽。由於我們感到自己很少主動作決定,所以這句話好像不關我事。但實際上,這個字是被動受引導、受模造的意思,和你的主觀意願沒有直接的關係。By default if we don’t do anything about it, we are in。所以我們需要注意自己諸多焦慮的來源,已經塑造了自己的是什麽觀念?哪些“面子”和“接納”方面的顧慮影響我被父、子、聖靈新的家庭重新模造?






  1. Characteristics of cultural pressure to Asian Christians:

    1. Chinese value performance in a society, and in any groups. Your personal success in contributions is respected, and earn you status.

    2. Conformation to a group is important. Here is where personal conversion ran battle with culture. Change of behaviors to be different is not doable for many. Young people should feel the same.

    3. Face/reputation is closely related to the first 2, it is much more important than personal comfort.

    4. Self-image has to do with the above 3, but more outward visible and material things. Here are all the pretense come in.

    5. Accumulating wealth is important, people risk their life, sacrifice their family and time. The motive seems seeking security, but that doesn't explain the risk taking. It also seems to pursue a luxury life style, but for a lot of people keep money in bank is the goal, not spending it. People might think of leaving wealth to children, but that doesn't explain the way they treated their children, -- stern and stingy (this is typically older generation). This one puzzles me, but definitely a big value. People went crazy for this for no good reason. May be just a habit.

  2. From: David Eckman
    Sent: Wed, January 5, 2011 9:37:19 AM
    Subject: RE: 價值觀衝突:基督教與文化

    The tragedy that I see is that these five things are so instinctive that they actually change what people are hearing:: they do not hear nor do they believe the Gospel. Unless these realities are attacked with great force, people will still be caught in their cultural backlground. This is very true of Caucasians as well as Chinese-Americans.

  3. In our Bible teaching, if we don't address these issues, we are not converting people, we are not proclaiming gospel.
