Sunday, March 15, 2020

WHO: COVID-19 Guideline & Answers

面對新病毒大流行危機來到美國,網上流傳不少關於如何防止感染新冠病毒的錯誤信息,這裡我特別將世界衛生組織的權威答案放在這裡,文章原載於我們本地報紙The Mercury News

Following is the WHO’s advice regarding what methods can and cannot kill the virus or otherwise prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Hand-washing: Frequent washing with soap and water is effective in killing the virus. The water does not need to be hot, though warm water improves the soap’s efficiency. Dry hands thoroughly with a towel, paper towel or hand dryer.(洗手)

Hand sanitizers: As an alternative to soap and water, a sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol can be used. Most commonly available sanitizers have at least that much alcohol.(不方便立即洗手時使用擦手液)

Hand dryers: Hot-air dryers by themselves do not kill the virus.(電熱風不殺毒)

Ultraviolet disinfection lamp: WHO discourages their use because of the potential for skin irritation.(紫外線消毒可能引起皮膚過敏)

Saline nose rinese: There is no evidence it fends off coronavirus infection, or any respiratory infection.(鹽水沖鼻劑未必抵擋感染)

Spraying alcohol or chlorine on one’s body: This will not kill viruses that have entered the body, and it can harm mucous membranes. (75%) Alcohol and bleach or chlorine-based disinfectants are appropriate for cleaning surfaces, if used according to instructions.(按酒精/漂白劑使用說明消毒)

Garlic: No effect on coronavirus.(大蒜殺菌,但不殺病毒)

Sesame oil on the body: No effect on coronavirus.(噴灑芝麻油不殺毒)

Herbal remedies: No effect on coronavirus.(草藥偏方不殺毒)

Smoking: No effect on coronavirus.(吸菸不殺毒)

Vaccines: Flu or pneumonia vaccines have no effect on the coronavirus.(流感預防針不防止新冠病毒感染)

Antibiotics: They work only against bacteria, not any virus.(抗生素只抗菌,不抗任何病毒)

Masks: Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing. A healthy person needs to wear a mask only if taking care of a person with suspected coronavirus infection. Follow proper procedure in putting on, removing and disposing of the masks, including washing hands with soap and water before and after wearing a mask and not touching the front of a mask. Multiple masks are not more effective than one properly adjusted mask.(你如果咳嗽或打噴嚏就要戴口罩,健康人在接觸疑似病人時要戴口罩;戴口罩前後都要用肥皂洗手;戴多重口罩沒有用)

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