Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Re-examine A White Christianity

A podcast interviwing Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche: Whiteness is a Hell of a Drug. I found it very interesting.

Tuhina is a second-generation Indian-American raised in a devout Hindu household and now ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA). In this PAAC podcast, she talks about the need for a "decolonized Christianity" and what that looks like. She also gets real about being a female Indian-American pastor in an overwhelmingly white denomination, and how she finds ways to press on in the face of systematic oppression.

What does "decolonized Christianity" mean? Ever since around 400 AD, when Constantine's Roman empire sanctioned the Christianity, it began to be more and more a tool for the oppressor, it does no longer regard the weak, the sojouner, the orphan and the widow. But Jesus is always on the side of these people -- the marginized and the oppressed! Rev. Tuhina said that we need to divorce the roots of Christianity from its empire entangle -- that is to decolonize.

She said the Church needs to first recognize the existence of racisim inside us, before it can fight it.

One of the non-white perspective of "sin", is that sin as relationally committed against another, not a a personal moral charactor issue meaning privately to voilate certain rules. I wrote more than a few notes on this 10 years ago.

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