Tuesday, September 19, 2017


In this very room there is quite enough love for one like me
and in this very room there is quite enough joy for one like me
and there is quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom
for Jesus, Lord Jesus, is in this very room

第二遍唱的時候,把兩處for one like me換成了for all of us。第三遍唱的時候,這兩處又改為for all the world。如此,這詩歌的讚美敬拜,就從一個人擴展到全體參與者,又再擴展到面向世界的一個偉大的信息:上帝的慈愛與從祂而來的喜樂盼望,以及祂的能力,能夠勝過這世界上任何的憂愁煩惱,皆因主耶穌的臨在。


還有一首詩歌是Sing Out Your Joy to God,表達在主面前敬拜的喜樂,一起放在這裡分享。

* Sing out your joy to God; with songs of triumph shout.(2x)

The trumpet blow: make a festal song.
The trumpet blow with all your might to sound a festal song.
With harp and lute give praise.
With songs of triumph shout; sing praise to God.*

With harp and lute, with harp and lute give praise; give praise to God.
With harp and lute give praise to God the Lord. *

The trumpet blow: make a festal song.
The trumpet blow with all your might to sound a festal song,
With harp and lute give praise. Sing out your joy to God;
songs of triumph shout, sing praise to God.

詩篇(亞薩的詩,交與伶長。用迦特樂器。)你們當向神--我們的力量大聲歡呼,向雅各的 神發聲歡樂! 2 唱起詩歌,打手鼓,彈美琴與瑟。 3 當在月朔並月望─我們過節的日期吹角...

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