Sunday, November 18, 2018



The meeting is very much focused on social justice issues, began with a worship time. Rev. Anne McAnelly is the Presbytery moderator, she delivered a message on Matthews 25:31-46 -- there will be a time when we all stand in front of Christ's judgement seat. He will separate sheep from goat. We want to be sheep, doing God's work extending a hand to the needy and marginalized, seeing Christ in the face of immigrants, the homeless people, etc, not to be goat that ignoring the needy. For we are called to be hands and feet of Christ.

The host church St. Andrews Presbyterian in Aptos is heavily involved in homeless support, tried taking turn to provide services, but turned out it was not easy to have 12 churches committed. Then they also coordinated shower truck services, co-sponsor with other churches, driving to different locations. Pastor Anne also mentioned a 2-year pilot program of some "Outward Incarnation", working with other churches on the homeless issues, but I could not find it from internet.

Pastor Ryne Althaus gave a message of "Hunger for Companionship"--physical needs are not the only thing homeless needs. A solar oven on a garden trailer was brought in for Presbytery attendees to see and taste--I loved those tender chard greens and tomatoes, potatoes etc -- Santa Cruz has a solar warehouse that employs homeless veterans, the trailer is a mobile farm stand, food truck, and social reintegration tool, so that veterans can use it to cook for you, offer an education, based on donation.

A chaplain from Puerto Rico, Dr. Pablo Rivera Madera, shared the need for preventing suicide. There is 38% increase in suicide rate after the Hurricane Maria, people need to learn to recognize signs of depression, to bring resources and hope to people.

Peace and Justice Task Force, according to the 2018 annual report, had decided to focus on 5 injustice concerns this year: Muslim/Inclusion, Homelessness and Hunger, Peacemaking/Arms Safety, immigration/Sanctuary, and Environment issues. Currently a trip to Borderlinks in February 2019 is in planning.

This year an Advent resource on the theme of Peace is offered. I signed up to obtain a copy.

One of the announcements from floor was about Santa Clara County Human Rights Day, on Monday December 10th 1:15-4:30pm, in San Jose State University, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library. I would like to share this with Shalom's group, maybe a few would like to go. Search internet, there is a link here to event details and to register for free. I heard that Santa Clara county will announce to be a Human Right County on this day.

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