Tuesday, September 1, 2020



From a Religion News Service(RNS) article suggested that QAnon theories were making their way into the Evangelical wing of Christianity:

Mark Fugitt, senior pastor of Round Grove Baptist Church in Miller, Missouri, recently sat down to count the conspiracy theories that people in his church are sharing on Facebook. The list was long. It included claims that 5G radio waves are used for mind control; that George Floyd’s murder is a hoax; that Bill Gates is related to the devil; that masks can kill you; that the germ theory isn’t real; and that there might be something to Pizzagate after all.(無論多荒唐都有人信)

But wait, you can just say Satan is attacking! You see, the Devil stays alive and well and fully integrated into that part of the theological world. Whenever something terrible happens to someone, the immediate response is, “It’s an attack from Satan!”(說成是撒旦攻擊最簡單)

Paula White, Mr. Trump’s spiritual advisor, has claimed that “infamous demon lords and hidden sorcerers were arrayed against Trump.”(靈恩大師?)

These ideas arise from a core tenant of Evangelicalism: the Second Coming of Jesus is a literal event, that all the believers in Jesus will be “raptured” away while the rest of the world, i.e., those who are not true believers, are left for Satan to rule and destroy. Then the true believers, led by Jesus, shall return and rebuild it in their image. Jerusalem becomes the holy and eternal place for Jesus to reign. Too bad for the Jews and Muslims, by the way. (信徒被提其實是某派的解經結果)

Anyway, with this kind of theology underlying much of the Evangelical mindset, conspiracy theories made a great deal of sense. They become a way to control the narrative. If we can chalk up some mysterious things or the randomness of life to conspiracies, then as we expose the conspiracy for what it is, we gain control over the uncontrollable. (隨機事件解釋成陰謀就好像有操控)

Think about these phrases often uttered by religious leaders: “You are suffering because it is in God’s will” or “you are enslaved because it is God’s will.” God becomes the “conspirator” and relieves from humans the discomfort with evil and, again, randomness. Since the very theology of the Second Coming of Christ means immense suffering for those who are not true believers, it make sense that God intentionally sends suffering to force us into compliance. (牧師常用計倆)

These theories are grounded in the idea that there are dual, and essentially equal, forces at work in the world. God, for the good, and the Devil, for the bad. By naming the Devil, the Satan, as the source of all evil (the suffering God sends is somehow good), humans are relieved of personal responsibility for causing bad things. After all, “The Devil made me do it.” (善惡二元,魔鬼作祟,人無責任)

The other, and equally damaging, side to “the Devil made me do it” theology is “God planned this out way beforehand. All you have to do is live into it. You do that by obeying your religious leaders.” (一切都是上帝計畫安排)

Again, we are dealing with two dueling forces arrayed against us, or, if you are one of the favored persons, for us. People are helpless pawns in their hands. The world, the cosmos, the spiritual realms are either for you or against you. Religious leaders, especially those in the Evangelical fold will seek in every way to convince people that their way is God’s way. (宇宙善惡二元,你不是順天就是逆天)

Conspiracy theories offer much comfort. People indulging in them have a means of labeling those they don’t agree with as a part of an evil cabal, out to get the “good” ones. The “good” ones think the same way we do. The “bad” ones don’t.

Indulging in conspiracy theories, including strong beliefs about Satanic influence in the world, frees people from having to consider the possible legitimacy of other viewpoints. Many find great freedom by neatly categorizing the world as good(those that on our side), and bad(those that NOT on our side). No energy is required to consider alternative ideas. And by labeling people “tools of the devil,” there is no need to expend good thoughts or hopes toward them. (敵我黑白世界)

So, yes, the evil and supremely powerful Chinese set out to ruin the world economy by setting loose the virus that causes Covid-19 and they’ve got a hidden vaccine to protect themselves(陰謀1). Oh, and the Dems are just pretending that there is a worldwide pandemic causing immense suffering to make you vote their way(陰謀2).

Yes, we can hide our immense jealousy of Bill Gates and his equally immense fortune and generous heart by turning him into a tool of the Devil(陰謀3).

Yes, the evil Dems who could not buy into the idea that God had chosen Mr. Trump as the man for this time thus have to be a cabal of pedophiles and cannibals. They can’t possibly be reasonable people worth engaging in discussion(陰謀4).

Do you see how it works? Create your own conspiracy, change random things into a conspiracy(用隨機事件製造陰謀論): The wire hangers in my closet do indeed find ways to mate and multiply, and the paired socks intentionally unpair themselves in the dark so one can play hide and seek(例1).

My kids haven’t called in a while? OK, they have gotten together and aired all their childhood grievances and decided to find a new mother(例2).

As for frequently misplaced cell phones? C’mon folks: we all know secret software has been implanted in them that magically moves them into creative hiding places to raise our collective frustration levels(例3). ...

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