Saturday, May 9, 2015






10 A woman of valor, who can find? Far beyond pearls is her value. 原文的charyil 的意思不光是賢德,也不僅是才幹,更是力量。林榮華教授也曾經解釋過
11 Her husband’s heart trusts in her, and he shall lack no fortune. 她丈夫信任她,把財務交給她管理。
12 She repays his good, but never his harm, all the days of her life. 有意思,中文「使丈夫有益無損」看不出來,但原文的確是說回報丈夫,大概是指她被接納為妻,有歸屬,所以視丈夫為有恩。
13 She seeks out wool and linen. And her hands work willingly. 尋找羊絨和麻,甘心用手作工,讓我想起不少媽媽都抽空親手為孩子編織毛衣、襪子等等。
14 She is like a merchant’s ships, from afar she brings her sustenance. Sustenance就是食物。由於所有的食物幾乎都是經媽媽親手採購、製作,說她好像「商船從遠方運糧來」是非常恰當的褒揚。
15 She rises while it is still night time, and gives food to her household, and a ration to her maids. 老一輩沒有電飯煲,東北的高粱米粥要熬一個半鐘頭,想讓家人清早起來能吃上,都是天不亮就起來熬粥。還要把當天需要辦的事、要帶的午餐飯盒都預備好。
16 She considers a field and buys it, from the fruit of her handiwork she plants a vineyard. 她勤勞,用手做工,也用腦盤算。
17 She girds her loins with might, and strengthens her arms. 許多女人有出其不意的能力和力量去作家庭內外的經營,叫作「能幹」。
18 She senses that her enterprise is good, so her lamp is not extinguished at night. 她的燈終夜不滅,應是形容有些勞作是徹夜不停,或故意安排在晚上睡覺時做的。我家蘋果樹每年秋天掉一地的果子,我為了不浪費,就每天晚上把每個蘋果好的部份削皮、去核、切片,放在脫水器中連夜烤。
19 She puts her hand to the distaff, and her palms support the spindle. 現在的人不紡紗織布,而是東奔西跑忙採購,送孩子上各種學校,定期看牙科、眼科等等,是媽媽安排。
20 She spreads out her palm to the poor, and extends her hands to the destitute. 心慈面軟,見人需要總會幫補。
21 She fears not snow for her household, for her entire household is clothed with scarlet wool. 全家的穿著恐怕是她首先掛心的,不會在最後一分鐘才發現缺乏。
22 Bedspreads she makes herself, linen and purple wool are her clothing. 如此勤勞經營,全家穿細麻和紫色布是富有的記號。但許多中國婦女是很節儉的。剩菜和家人不喜歡吃的菜,媽媽都喜歡搶著吃掉,不願意丟棄。
23 Well-known at the gate is her husband, as he sits with the elders of the land. 如此賢內助,丈夫也有條件幫助和服務眾人得敬重。
24 Garments she makes and sells, and she delivers a belt to the peddler. 利用手上能夠拿到的原材料多多製作,把腰帶賣給商家。我有個朋友包水餃賣給沒時間自己做的人。
25 Strength and splendor are her clothing, and smilingly she awaits her last day. 我認為 awaits her last day的英文是翻譯不當,中文翻成「日後喜笑」比較好。JSB是寫she looks to the future cheerfully,就是對人生樂觀。
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. 智慧的婦女有仁慈,或者叫作心腸好。
27 She anticipates the needs of her household, and the bread of idleness, she does not eat. 她關照家裏一切的需要,並不吃閒飯。
28 Her children rise and celebrate her, and her husband, he praises her.
29 Many daughters have attained valor, but you have surpassed them all. 丈夫對她滿意。
30 False is grace, and vain is beauty, a God-fearing woman, she should be praised. 為甚麼這位婦女不描述為「美麗的」-- 敬畏耶和華才是真正寶貴的!
31 Give her the fruit of her hands, and she will be praised at the gates by her very own deeds. 願她享受操勞的結果;願她的工作被公開稱讚!


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