Sunday, December 31, 2017

Visit Canada and Attend a Church

I am visiting Vancouver for 9 days, staying with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law’s family. I didn’t really plan to visit a church on Sunday, but by Sunday morning 10:30, my daughter asked me if we should find a nearby church and attend a worship service. I think it is a good idea—to me, comparing different church practices is always inspiring and fun.

I searched Google Map and found a church that is a 16-minute walk from where we live—Trinity Baptist Church. It has two services on Sundays: a “Bilingual” service at 9:30, and obviously we could catch the “Blended” service at 11 am, whatever that "blended" means.

By the time we walked into the church door, the service has already started. From the glass window, I could see the sanctuary is about the same size as my own church, with a good attendance of 70% full. Two ushers standing in front, one of them was praying, for church members, for communities, and for the nation of Canada.

After the prayer, we found our seats. There were announcements, a “Healthy Church Survey” was mentioned, its results include the necessity of emphasizing prayers. Visitors are called to identify themselves, so that a small gift packet is passed. Each visitor received a piece of heart-shaped chocolate candy, a pen with church phone number and website on it, a visitor info/survey form, and welcoming words of brief introduction to the church.

"Trinity Baptist Church seeks to be an "international church" welcoming people of all ethnic backgrounds to worship as one Christian church family. Although you will hear a variety of languages spoken, English is the common language for our Sunday worship services."Looks they are pretty successful in reaching this goal. The Apostles' Creed is printed, with Mission statement of a simple "Knowing God, Touching Lives".

In "Children's Moment", there were more than 20 elementary school-aged kids went to front. A pastor asked them about their New Year's wishes, and reminded kids God listens prayers before dismissed them to Children's Sunday School classes.

The program bulletin and other announcements have simplified Chinese printed below the English, I guess there must be many attendees are from Mainland China. There is much higher percentage of Asian faces in the congregation, but there is quite some India or Filipino decedents there too. No wonder it is said a “blended” service.

Scripture reading is a passage in Luke 2, not sure if they use the same lectionary as other mainline churches, but the sermon was very much focus on a center message: Don’t be a bucket, to keep God’s blessing to oneself, but be a pipe, channeling God’s good grace to those in need in 2018. The Biblical characters Simeon and Anna can be our models.

I notice the arrangement of the sanctuary is very similar to my Presbyterian church, but they install a screen for projector, whenever a scripture is read, or a song is sung, the screen would roll down promptly, so People can see the words from screen.

There are still Bibles and Hymnals on the pew, but people don’t have to flip through them to locate a passage or a song. (This is especially nice for people who are not familiar with Bible, or not follow service program well for songs.)

There are other activities going on Wednesday nights for this church. According to the bulletin, within a certain period of time, all are invited to join a meal at 6 pm, followed by a number of programs, including a children's choir, a kids' Bible lessons and games, two adult Bible studies, a prayer meeting, completed with nursery and preschool service. No wonder there are so many younger people in the congregation, they must have found this a good place to raise kids.

Besides, on the cover of this bulletin, there is a photo, taken from the church's "Christmas outreach team", people seemed giving out something from a tent in a public square, because it was raining. It was announced that the church has decided to donate all its Christmas Candle Light Service special offerings to sponsor a refugee family from Congo, whom they expect in 2018.

From the pew, I found the church is about as old as the small American church I am attending, established in 1955 and never moved from this location. I bet the place was not as populated as now, but the church must have adapted to the cultural changes quite well.

Another thing that's impressive to me -- the preaching pastor said he had adapted a son, and spoke from that experience, he could relate how God received us into His family!

Friday, December 29, 2017




Carl McColman是天主教西多會的修士。他可能相信不同的宗派/宗教都是尋求神的不同屬靈途徑。我把他的回答記在這裡,你可以點擊鏈接閱讀全文:





Carl McColman指出,這些人其實根本不思考其它的宗教信仰。你只要從互聯網稍微一搜索,就能搞清楚關於異教信仰或其它信仰的一些常見誤解,可是那些有敵對態度的基督徒一般都不愛作這樣的調查研究,他們的思想已經因為害怕神的憤怒而被禁錮起來。實際上,即使這些基於懼怕的基督徒讀到關於異教活動的正面好評,他們也傾向於把那些文章當作假消息。--Carl本人顯然碰過壁。


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Brian McLaren 牧師:父權制問題

















本文取自Brian McLaren 牧師的文章,全文請讀When Patriarchy Is the Problem (Not the Solution)。他用了父權制的鏡片來解讀2016年川普總統當選的事件--基督教的神學難免受到父權制世界觀影響,不知道美國自報為政治右派的保守基督徒如何理解我們人類歷史的父權制事實?以及基督徒是否應該有改革更新文化的使命?

Monday, December 25, 2017











Friday, December 22, 2017


Larry Osborne牧師寫的《Sticky Church》這本書值得分享。下面括號中是我的評論。

If the back door of a church is left wide open, it doesn’t matter how many people are coaxed to come in the front door—or the side door, for that matter. (For our church we have many people come through our church door for attending concerts or boy scout etc.)

Yet most churches give the back door scant attention. (We don’t know we have a back door!)

We’ve discovered lots of ways to reach people... (most of them make use of our facilities, people enjoy our music series, or Helloween Party etc.)

But we’ve often become so focused on reaching people that we’ve forgotten the importance of keeping people. And that’s the thesis of this book: Our churches need to be sticker. (Even the reaching people was never our focus, making disciples would automatically make a church stickier.)

Stickier churches are healthier churches. They not only draw in spiritual window-shoppers and lead them to Christ; they also grow them up to maturity. (for non-evangelical churches, probably there is no spiritual window-shopper are recognized, and everybody seem assume a maturity of others.)

And that, after all, is what Jesus called us to do. He didn’t tell us to go into all the world and sign people up. He told us to make disciples—a task that includes baptizing people and teaching them to obey everything he commanded. Frankly, that’s a task that takes some significant time. To pull it off, we need to be sticky.

Why "stickiness" is so important? In one of Jesus’ most famous parables, the parable of the sower, he told of a farmer casting seeds onto four types of soil, each representing a different response to the gospel.

One of the soil was so hard that nothing could germinate. Another was so shallow that the plants sprouted quickly but couldn’t dig their roots deep enough to withstand the furnace blast of a Middle Eastern summer’s day. The third kind of soil was weed infested, resulting in a crop that once again looked good for a while but eventually was choked off by what Jesus called the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things.

Only the fourth type of soil, the one Jesus called the good soil, produced a harvest. -- Now the point of this parable is straightforward: A great spiritual start is no guarantee of a happy ending. (I often wonder what the spiritual start feels like for Presbyterian Church goers.)

But somehow many of us have missed it. We’re quick to rejoice at the first signs of spiritual life—and rightfully so. (Hey, for a church without much spiritual fellowship, what are considered the signs of spiritual life?)

Here’s the problem. No farmer would ever be satisfied with initial growth killed off before harvest. If the soil in any portion of his field produced no result at the end, he’d never plant there again. A crop that didn’t last all the way to harvest was a financial disaster. The response wouldn’t be just a shrug and an “Oh well”.

Most scholars see the soil in this parable as representing the condition of individual hearts—but the underlying principles are not only true for individuals; they are also true for the ministry of a local church.

One of the most important things it says about our churches is that stickiness matters. (Because inviting and keeping people is a major characteristic of Christ, this is His image.)

So think about it: what is your church's back door? and how can you slam it shut?

Monday, December 18, 2017


昨天看見有個年輕人寫文章談論聖誕故事。他的立論:童女生耶穌的事件對於基督的福音和信仰並非最基本的。我把這位Matthew Korpman弟兄的論證記在這裡。









Friday, December 15, 2017

甚麼是一個 Hate Group?

南方貧困法律中心(Southern Poverty Law Center,縮寫SPLC),是一個美國非盈利的民權組織,反對白人優越主義,且堅持為那些遭仇恨團體迫害的受害者做法律代理,並獲得一系列成功。此外,它還監控仇恨團體、民兵以及極端組織。在教育方面,它推行「提倡寬容」的教育項目。

甚麼是「仇恨團體」呢?按照維基百科的定義,仇恨團體(Hate group)是針對某些人士的種族、民族、膚色、國籍、宗教、文化、語言、腔調、階級、職業、外貌、性別、性取向、性別認同及性別氣質等而「怨恨」、敵視或者訴諸暴力的有組織集團。



家庭研究中心(The Family Research Center or FRC)被SPLC列為仇恨團體,因為它的反同立場(anti-LGBT),把所有性別認同的少數派都當作病態、邪惡、危害兒童和危害社會,或者認定他們更傾向於變成戀童癖者、或容易對別人進行性侵犯,等等。


Wednesday, December 13, 2017


無論你有甚麼病,如果醫生告訴你沒有甚麼辦法了,試試大麻油吧。Actually, you don't have to wait until very late.

Hemp oil, Cannabis oil, CBD oil, Marijuana oil, ... 可能只是名稱不同,恐怕是因為Marijuana有個臭名。據我所知,各種不同名稱的大麻油含有THC的比率不太相同。顯然,大麻的藥用研究和報告發表遇到很多阻力--涉及到了政治和經濟。這部片子的內容僅供參考,你不必全部相信,但我認為知道比不知道好。

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Translations of Matthew 11:12

(The original of this note is in Chinese, published in September 2011. In the translations below, inside the brackets are the footnotes from that version.)

NIV: From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence (been forcefully advancing), and violent people have been raiding it.

NLT: And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing (the Kingdom of Heaven has suffered from violence), and violent people are attacking it.

NKJV: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

RSV: From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence (has been coming violently), and men of violence take it by force.

In this sentence, the subject is the Kingdom of Heaven. The Greek verb βιαζεται can be understood as “passive voice”: be violently against. Or it can be understood as “middle voice” without an object: Forcefully advancing. The picture is violent – either the Kingdom of God violently does something, or it has been violently against by something.

The later part of the sentence has another Geek verb αρπαζουσιν, which is a plural form of action, also gives a violent picture. It means violently does something, for example plucks away, or takes away by force, or suddenly catch away. Depends on how you understand the previous part of the sentence, this part has to be translated differently. But remember, its subject is plural, so it probably is not the Kingdom of God, no matter how violently it advances itself.

This will leave only one possibility of understanding the earlier part, to be the subject of the later violent action: those violent men who violently resist/against the Kingdom. And this is supported by the contexts of the verse – John the Baptist brought the message of the Kingdom, but strong/violent people were attacking him, even Jesus faced the same treatment. Therefore the RSV translation of the verse makes best sense. By the way, in Luke 16:16, we see a similar verse, especially if you read Chinese version, but it actually is a different statement.

RSV: The law and the prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and every one enters it violently.

When we think it is “similar”, that is because Luke 16:16 appear give similar picture to one of the renderings of Matthew 11:12 – the Kingdom of God advancing forcefully, and followed by men act violently. – Why entering God’s Kingdom needs violence? There is a similar confusion like Matthew 11:12. NLT interpretes Luke 16:16 as people's desire to be eager, rather than their actions to be violent:

NLT: Until John the Baptist, the law of Moses and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But now the Good News of the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is eager to get in.

Again βιαζεται can be understood either passive or middle voice there -- It is either people were forcefully pushed/grab into the Kingdom (by God), or people strive to enter it. Most translators select the second rendering, and I guess this was how Chinese version of Matthew 11:12 came from, which literally says “From the days of John the Baptist until now, people strive to enter the Kingdom, and those who are trying hard have it.”

Thursday, December 7, 2017


哈利路亞是希伯來文「讚美主」的音譯。這個大合唱是彌賽亞神曲的一部分,反覆唱「哈利路亞」。為甚麼要讚美主呢?歌中說「for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He shall reign forever and ever」。


--「基督」就是王,賴特博士翻譯的新約把所有的「基督耶穌」都翻成 King Jesus,即「耶穌王」,比較通俗。現在普世眾教會的信徒都尊祂為王。你若想要詳細知道彌賽亞神曲--那是一部18世紀的歌劇,我五年前介紹過一次,你可以參考。

Tuesday, December 5, 2017




作者Scott Steinberg提出10個竅門,來幫助商業機構優化產品推廣(翻譯的全文可按此閱讀),我列在這裡:
  1. 不要直接提出你解決問題的答案。而要講述一個比較大的故事緣由,建立一個情感上的聯結點,給人一種緊急感,希望能和你一同找到解決問題的答案。
  2. 信息要簡短、親切、簡單。避免囉嗦,快速抓住讀者的注意力,在10秒鐘之內告訴他/她1-3個重點信息。
  3. 你可以用一個強而突出的鈎子,比如一句幽默或暖人心懷的話,來講你的故事,和別人不一樣。
  4. 如果有視頻、動畫等等視覺信息最好,來總結你的複雜題目。聽眾往往對帶有視覺圖象成分的信息有更準確的印象和作出反應。
  5. 針對不同的社交網站環境來設計你的信息,以達到最佳的溝通果效。
  6. 仔細看好你的戰略投資回報,你的社交媒體策略是否支持這個大目標?
  7. 設立具體可量度的指標來衡量你所計劃的果效,也許看網頁的點擊數量,增加的銷售量等等?
  8. 不必一味追求數字,有時有效性還看人們是否談論某個有關話題的頻率增加了,或者讀者對你信息的回應,對你的品牌是否增加了好感--和讀者有對話最重要。
  9. 與別人增加聯繫,把焦點從單純銷售轉移到創造價值。幫助讀者解決難處,比如省時省力。利用60/20/20的原則:花60%的時間和讀者互動,20%的時間分享對方所關心的內容,20%的時間談你的品牌。
  10. 為了更有效地團結人來跟隨你,作一個精神領袖,鼓勵人,提供資源給人。人家經常回來向你詢問有關的行業信息,你就成功了。





(我所在的教會操英文,但若有幾位華人有興趣,我們也可以開小組團契,定期聚集,互相幫助和勉勵信心。--現在正值基督降臨節,我們教會每周四晚上5點半供應免費簡餐,邀請人來參加餐桌上的非正式崇拜。你即使來晚了也不要緊--5301 McKee Rd. San Jose,硅谷地區歡迎聯絡我,或介紹朋友來。另外,這個星期六12月9日晚上7點半,我們有自家的聖誕合唱,很輕鬆的歡聚,歡迎你邀朋友一起來參觀!)

Saturday, December 2, 2017



他向卑微女子馬利亞說all hail,最蒙大愛的女子,哈利路亞!
