Thursday, April 15, 2010


《Becoming What God Intended》workbook by Dr. David Eckman Chapter 11 reading 1, explaining 1 John 1:6-10. Appostle John points out that among Christians, there are three false beliefs. 1. We can walk in the darkness(do not open to God) and still be in fellowship with God. 2. We are justified so we don't have sin. 3. Sins committed in the past but not confessed, they do not have an effect on the present.


1. 我行我素並不與神溝通,卻口稱與神有相交的關係。
2. 認爲自己是沒有過犯的。
3. 以爲自己不必向神認過去的罪,對現今別無影響。

1 comment:

  1. 约一1:10我們若說自己沒有犯過罪(完成时态,表明犯罪是有后果的),便是以神為說謊的,他的道也不在我們心裡了。

