第二個原因我想是教義。神學家若是有個情感疏遠的父親,他們從哲學研究出發所闡釋的神學教義必然也反映出來。有個關於代罰原則的教義(penal substitution),説是天父上帝有個絕對的道德標準,人類卻因爲犯罪墮落而變得不再完全,必須受到永恒的刑罰。基督是道德完全的,他愛我們,替我們受了懲罰,於是上帝公義的忿怒得到滿足,祂看我們有了基督的完全。在關於教義的質疑那篇文章裏,我曾經說過這個代罰原則的聖經根據是不足的。如果上帝有個絕對的道德標準,而祂在創造亞當的時候卻沒有告訴他,那麽不是上帝不夠仁至義盡,就是我們的猜測不對頭。(“你必死”與“你必永遠受地獄之火”並不相同,後者是一個對前者的解釋。)事實上,我相信吩咐亞當不要吃禁果的是道成肉身之前的聖子,因爲我忘記在何處讀到過聖經學者的考證結論,凡耶和華與人打交道,對談,顯現説話的那位都是聖子。
第三個原因是我們敬拜的詩歌中常常唱那個代贖原則。現在的牧師已經很少在講臺宣講代贖原則了,可是有不少詩歌反復這麽唱。中文的詩歌似乎還好,雖然常常提到罪債,很少公然歌頌上帝的忿怒被基督滿足,而英文的現代詩歌則好像這類題材佔了不小的比重。昨天我們教會還唱了一首You Are My King,是音樂敬拜歌唱家Chris Tomlin寫的詞曲。歌中的“你”當然是基督,不是天父:
I'm forgiven because you were forsaken 因你被撇棄,我得到赦免
I'm accepted, You were condemned我得到接納,你被定罪
I'm alive and well 我好好地活著
Your spirit is within me 你的靈在我裏面
Because you died and rose again 因爲你已死而復活
ReplyDelete但是路德眼中的神也不是像您的網誌寫的這麼"慈愛",他眼中的神反而是"以賽亞的神",是那一位奧秘又自隱的上帝,可以參考他的十架神學(theologia crucis)
謝謝!是的路德沒有主張代贖,他是以代贖原則為正確前設,發展出偉大的罪義交換(the great exchange)神學--即罪人的罪歸給耶穌,他受死,而耶穌的義歸到信徒身上。
ReplyDelete基督教錯誤的'地獄觀'也讓很多人唔解了神的愛. 我還是覺得東方教會對地獄的解釋比基督教合理,既沒有否認永恆刑罰,也沒有否定神永不止邊的愛:
ReplyDelete"Hell is not punishment for sin. Hell is the ongoing refusal to accept God's acceptance. The torment of hell is the result of SIN reaching its ultimate result - death. In other words, people who refuse to accept the Father's love will be punished by their SIN not punished by God. Heaven and hell are determined by how one relates to the love of God.The love and present of God to a believer is a comforting embrace but to the arrogant and independent God-hater, that same love and present is a suffocating stench that torments."
''I also maintain that those who are punished in Gehenna are scourged by the scourge of love. Nay, what is so bitter and vehement as the torment of love? I mean that those who have become conscious that they have sinned against love suffer greater torment from this than from any fear of punishment. For the sorrow caused in the heart by sin against love is more poignant than any torment. It would be improper for a man to think that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God. Love is the offspring of knowledge of the truth which, as is commonly confessed, is given to all. The power of Love works in two ways: it torments sinners, even as happens here when a friend suffers from a friend; but it becomes a source of joy for those who have observed its duties. Thus I say that this is the torment of Gehenna: bitter regret. But love inebriates the souls of the sons of Heaven by its delectability.'' St. Isaac the Syrian
地獄是俾神的愛,神的同在"折磨",,俾自己的罪刑罰, 既無否定神無限,不止邊愛,也不否定永恆刑罰
謝謝您的分享!Peter Chopelas 說聖經裏面沒有提說關於“地獄”那個地方?我馬上想到路加福音書裏耶穌講過一個討飯的啦撒路和財主的比喻,二人死後的去處有深淵隔著。聖經裏還有“蟲是不死的,火是不滅的”之類的話。耶穌把地獄稱爲“為魔鬼和他的使者所預備的永火”(馬太福音25章),或者那不是地獄,不管是叫作什麽的地方?
ReplyDeletepeter chopelas說原文有 'hades'/ 'sheol','Tartarus', 'Gehennah', 'lake of divine fire',無地獄里個字,而里4個字意思不同不可互換,但 translator將里4個字隨便互換,完部變做hell, confuse哂 English readers
ReplyDeleteeven 'hell',原文解作, to hide/ cover (from GOd's unescapble and loving presence),係verb, 不是noun,後來D人將hell都變成noun/place.
In the Gospel story of Lazarus and the Rich Man, Jesus clearly states that they both end up in the same place, in Hades. Hades of course is used to mean the same thing as Hebrew "Sheol," it simply means the place everyone goes when they die. In Hades they can see each other and talk to each other, although they are far off from each other. "And in Hades, he lifts up his eyes, being in torment, and sees Abraham far off, and Lazarus in his bosom." [Luke 16:23]. All of them are in Ha rus received bad things, but now he is comforted, and you are in pain". See how he contrasts "but now" (in death), one is comforted, the other in torment. Neither does it says that God is punishing him, he is simply "in pain" while there. They were separated by a large gulf, but it is clearly spiritual and not physical, since they are not in the physical world, for neither would the Rich Man have a physical tongue to cool with physical water from Lazarus' physical finger. So it is a gulf that exists in the heart, a spiritual gulf that causes us to experience God's loving presence as paradise or torment. A gulf that was not placed there by God, but rather created by the choices and actions of the sinner.
ReplyDeleteGodscharacter.com也提過'fire'/'地獄' 的問題,與東方教會看法相同
ReplyDelete現在的神學及教義(特別西方神學)也越來越傾向把神描繪成一個justice father= harsh father,angry God, Sinner in the hand of angry God, torturer, sigh!!