從新約作者引用舊約的方式,我們常常可以看到他對舊約的理解。Moen博士介紹說,猶太人對舊約的詮釋分為兩類,第一類叫做midrash aggadah,就是添加一個故事來作解釋。比如說亞伯蘭離開父家的時候打碎了他父家的那些神像,讓人明白亞伯蘭為何在神呼召時立刻離開吾珥。另一類詮釋叫做midrash halacha,就是以闡明實際應用來作解釋,提出行為要求。彼得對以賽亞書的詮釋屬於第二類,他用偉大僕人為義受苦來強調信徒受苦的屬靈價值,而耶穌是我們的榜樣。
讓我們仔細看看偉大僕人為義受苦那段話。有人比較昆蘭古卷中的以賽亞書,發現其中表達的意思更清楚,翻譯過來就是:可他背負我們的病痛—他拿走(carried)它們。而我們呢?卻看他如遭了瘟疫,被神擊倒和羞辱了。但他,是他自己,因我們的冒犯被污損(defiled from our transgressions),因我們的悖逆被壓傷(crushed from our iniquities),他受責罰,我們卻得了完全!他受擊打,我們卻得了醫治!(53章4-5節)
所以,是我們的冒犯和悖逆打擊傷害了偉大僕人,不是神要懲罰。神只是允許耶穌犧牲在罪人手裡。我們一向受中世紀的代罰神學影響,把受害或者受懲罰理解為受神的懲治,把擊打或壓傷理解為神的作為。但是仔細想想,我們怎麼確知這話不是指我們的惡行作為呢?是我們這個罪惡的體制、罪惡的環境害了前來拯救我們的耶穌好嗎?正如生命之道教會的牧師Brian Zahnd所解釋的,人類罪惡在各各他全面體現,以致殺害了神的兒子!神的兒子為義受苦,在人的手裡遭受殘害,神卻以他為我們的贖罪祭,將他的血塗抹在信徒身上,饒恕/潔淨了我們的過犯!令人震撼。
NET的翻譯:He was wounded because of our rebellious deeds, crushed because of our sins; he endured punishment that made us well; because of his wounds we have been healed. 事實上,那個翻譯為「因為」的希伯來文介詞「מן」就是「從...而來」from。是我們的代罰神學眼鏡讓我們把「他被我們的過犯傷害」讀成了「他替我們的過犯被神傷害」,又把「他被我們的罪孽壓傷」讀成「他替我們的罪孽被神壓傷」。 後面第8節中的「他被剪除是因我百姓的罪過」也同樣:百姓的罪過害了偉大僕人,他們把他剪除!按照代罰神學,偉大僕人絕不是我們的榜樣!因為沒有人能夠替別人死。
ReplyDeleteHe bears our sins and suffers for us, yet we considered Him to be in pain, suffering and ill-treatment. But He was wounded because of our lawlessness, and became sick because of our sins. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His bruise we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray. Man has gone astray in his way, and the Lord delivered Him over for our sins. Although He was ill-treated, He open not His mouth. He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb is silent before his shearers,so He opens not His mouth. In His humiliation His judgment was taken away, and who will declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth. and because the lawlessness of My people He was led to death.
(OSB正教研讀本)In His humiliation His judgment was taken away, and who will declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth. and because the lawlessness of My people He was led to death.
(BBE)They took away from him help and right, and who gave a thought to his fate? for he was cut off from the land of the living: he came to his death for the sin of my people.
(ASV)By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who among them considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke was due?
ReplyDeleteIn other words, there was translation issue here. The understanding of meanings affects interpretation, interpretation affects theology, theology in turn affects our reading, as if we wear a colored glasses...