Biblical or not, everybody has his/her own ideas/views of God. Even you have never entered a seminary, you have had your theology. This is a site for anybody who is interested in reading and sharing their evangelical theology understandings. Christianity is not just about what you do, or what you know, it is about what you FEEL! For God's love is to be felt.
根據Jewish Study Bible對以斯帖記的介紹,猶太人的普珥節是個狂歡式的節日:人們穿滑稽可笑的衣服,組織化裝舞會,大吃大喝,模仿以斯帖故事中的人物和情節。--這個節日原來不是我以為的那麼嚴肅,乃是個滑稽取樂的日子--它絕不會落在安息日敬拜祈禱的日子。根據以斯帖九章,他們也在這時節彼此贈送禮物,以及送禮物給窮人。
她尋求主以色列的神說:我的主啊,只有你是我們的王,求你幫助我,因為我極其窮乏,除你以外無人幫助我,我面臨危險。我從一出生就在我親屬的支派中聽說了,主你從列國中揀選了以色列,帶領我們的祖宗離開他們的父家,去得一份永久的產業,並且你建造他們,正如你所說的。現在我們得罪了你,你把我們交在我們敵人的手裡,因為我們尊他們的神為大。主啊,你是公義的。但現在我們受苦作他們的奴隸還不夠,他們還要拜偶像(laid their hands on the hands of their idols),為要廢掉你口中的誡律,全然毀滅你的產業(以色列),令他們住口不頌讚你,熄滅你聖殿和祭壇的榮耀,卻開外邦人的口讚美虛無的偶像,永遠稱羨人間的君王。
Rejoice, the Lord is King:
Your Lord and King adore!
Rejoice, give thanks and sing,
And triumph evermore.
Lift up your heart,
Lift up your voice!
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!...
1. Come sing, O church, in joy! Come join, O church, in song!
For Christ the Lord has led us through the ages long!
(副歌)In bold accord, come celebrate the journey now and praise the Lord!
2. Long years have come and gone, And still God reigns supreme,
Empowering us to catch the vision, dream the dream!
3. Let courage be our friend, Let wisdom be our guide,
As we in mission magnify the Crucified!
4. Come sing, O church, in joy! Come join, O church, in song!
For Christ the Lord has triumphed o'er the ages long!