Tuesday, August 11, 2020


這首幽默諷刺歌曲是用白人警察的口吻唱出來的,Driving while Black。我們只知道DUI,Driving under the Influence 是一種駕駛違規,表示駕駛員酗酒(或大腦受毒品影響)。而在這首歌裡,DWB代表Driving while Black,意味著在白人警察眼裡,駕駛員是一名黑人也可以作為某種停車查問的罪行。

I pulled you over 'cause you were speeding,
Do you know how black you were going?
I had you clocked at 50 miles per black in a 45 black per hour zone,
I'll be right black when I've run through your license.
Just sit black and re-blax.
Step out of the vehicle, son, come with me, gonna book you on a DWB.
You put your hands up, so naturally I thought
you had a gun up there hidden somewhere in the midair.
You said "don't shoot", you tried to flee,
which I took as an attack, and shot you 5 times in the back.
I chased you down 'cause you had a packageknife
I thought you might be joining the Swiss Army,
Or stealing Skittles, or passing twenties.
Or otherwise compromissing Western Civilization.
Oh, you can't breathe, No, you can't breathe,
you can't breathe, you can't breathe,
That's what they all say, come qietely,
I'll book you on a DOA(drug of abuse)...WB.

那位拉大提琴的黑人名字叫Clovice Lewis,一位出名的音樂家,又是軟件工程師和教授。我不知你聽了這首歌感受如何,我的眼淚是掉下來了。這裡還有一篇Clovice的講道,22分鐘分享他自己的黑人體驗,令人震驚--其中提到為甚麼黑人遇到不公平時,不會到處去訴說和抗議。

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