- Respond to an adult when spoken to. 與大人應對,要有禮貌、有分寸。
- Make eye contact when spoken to. 與人互動,眼睛要看著對方的眼睛。
- Congratulate classmates. 別人有好的表現,要替他高興。
- Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas.尊重別人的發言與想法。
- If you win, do not brag, if you lose, do not show anger. 自己有什麽好表現不要炫耀,輸給別人也不要生氣。
- If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return. 如果別人問你問題,你也要囘問他問題。
- Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me. 打噴嚏、咳嗽都要說對不起。
- Do not show disrespect with gestures. 不可以有不禮貌的小動作。
- Always say thank you when given something. 別人送你任何東西都要說謝謝。
- When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver. 接受獎品和禮物,不可以嫌棄。
- Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. 用小小的貼心,爲別人製造驚喜。
- When grading other students’ papers, give only the correct grade. 改同學考卷時不要給錯誤的分數。
- Follow along when we read together in class.全班一起念課文時要跟著一起念。
- Answer all written questions with a complete sentence. 以完整句子回答所有的問題。
- Do not ask for a reward. 不要主動討獎品。
- You must complete your homework every day. 每天都要做完作業。
- Subject transitions and moving to different classrooms will be swift, quiet, and orderly. 下課換科目教室的時候,動作要快,要安靜,要守秩序。
- Be as organized as possible. 作什麽事都要有條理。
- When homework is assigned, do not moan or complain. 老師在指定作業的時候,不要叫苦。
- When a substitute teacher present, all class rules still apply. 別的老師來代課,仍要遵守所有的班規。
- Follow the specific classroom protocols. 課堂上發言或起身,應該講規矩。
- You may bring a bottle of water to class; you may not leave for a drink of water during class. 不可以上課上一半,起身去倒水喝。
- Know other teachers’ names and greet them in the hall by name. 見到每個老師,都要說某某老師好。
- Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ-free. 注意個人衛生和廁所的衛生。
- Greet visitors and make them feel welcome. 讓客人有賓至如歸的感覺。
- Do not save seats in the lunchroom. 不要在飯廳幫同學佔位子。
- Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded. 同學受罰時不要盯著他看。
- Call me if you have a question about homework and leave a message –once. 對作業有問題,可以打電話來我家,留言。但只要留一次就夠了。
- The ABC’s of etiquette. 遵守用餐的基本禮節。
- After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be responsible for your trash. 吃完飯,自己的垃圾自己處理。
- In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean your room. 接受別人的服務要惜福、感恩。
- On a bus, always face forward. 坐校車或公車要坐好。不要打擾到司機,下車時記得說謝謝。
- When meeting new people shake hands and repeat their names. 認識新朋友,要記住對方的名字,道別時記得稱呼對方。
- When offered food, take only your fair share. 吃自助餐或有人請客時取菜不要貪多。
- If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up. 別人掉東西到你跟前,請幫他撿起來。
- Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them. 進門時,如果後面還有人,請幫他扶住門,免得門在他面前関掉。
- If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault. 別人踫撞到你,不管你有沒有錯,都要說對不起。
- On a field trip, enter a public building quietly. 參加校外教學時,無論進入哪一個公共樓房,都要安安靜靜。
- On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting. 去參觀別人的地方要多多誇獎。
- During an assembly, do not speak or call out to friends. 全校師生開會的時候,不要講話或呼叫你的朋友。
- At home, answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner. 接電話時應答要有禮貌。
- When returning from a trip, shake the hands of every chaperone. 一趟校外教學結束,要一一感謝所有隨行的老師和家長。
- Keep right in the hallways when walking. 乘電扶梯時要站右邊,讓趕時間的人可以從左邊先行。
- When walking in line, Keep your arms at your sides and move quietly. 列隊行進時不要說話。
- Never cut in line.不要插隊,看到別人插隊時不要大呼小叫,讓老師知道就好。
- No talking during movie or distance learning.看電影時不要説話或干擾到別人。
- Do not bring Doritos into the school building. 不可以帶零食進入學校樓房。
- If anyone is bullying you, let me know.有誰欺負你,讓老師知道,不要自己處理。
- Stand up for what you believe. 捍衛自己的理想,不因別人否定而退縮。
- Be positive and enjoy life. 要積極樂觀地去享受人生。
- Live so that you will never have regrets. 別讓將來有遺憾,想做什麽就盡力去做。
- Learn from your mistakes and move on. 從錯誤中學習,並繼續向前邁進。
- No matter the circumstances, always be honest. 不管什麽情況,一定要誠實,做錯了就坦白承認。
- Carpe Diem. 把握今天,不要浪費它。
- Be the best person you can be. 在你的能力範圍内,作最棒、最棒的人。
我想Ron Clar的55條守則本意是激發學生表現出内心積極、高尚的一面,因爲他假定每個孩子裏面已經有個優秀的種子在那裏(Discovering the successful student in every child)。如果不以爲自己孩子已經是一個優秀的種子,要極力來把不良種子變成好苗子不是很難嗎?國内有人在博客上評論說中國教育出來的“大都是平庸之輩”。這個就叫作培養自我觀。自我觀對人品形成的影響力是很大的。好的父母能夠給孩子的最佳禮物,就是給他/她一個良好的自我觀,即把孩子當作優良的種子來對待和培育。
ReplyDeleteThis information is very useful--not only for children, some rules adults can learn.