Sunday, October 4, 2020

My God-Sightings of The Day

In my church, we call a testimony "God-sighting". People try to describe how they see God's working to help their various needs with these God-sightings. Now here is mine, thanks to FaceBook platform, that allows you to see what your friends are doing/promoting.

Since today is a day of worship, a song we regularly sing touched me: Every Time I Feel the Spirit Moving in My Heart, I Will Pray.

為甚麼今天會特別注意到了這首詩歌?因為我最近思考很多。為甚麼我們的教會,有那麼多美好的屬靈追求,仍然不肯謙卑悔改?考慮到Black Lives Matter的呼聲--黑人性命也寶貴,而號稱倡導生命(pro-life)的教會,卻能夠硬著心腸轉臉不看,或不表態?


Another part of this God-sighting, was running into a book: Rediscipling the White Church. --A pastor friend invite people to an event of teaching. Since "Redisciple" is a big deal for white churches, and certainly would take much leadership from Church, I look it up from the internet. I found its book launch event, recorded on Zoom. You can click here to watch it too:, pretty shocking and exciting. White Christians are waking up!

One thing striks me, is the fact that they had pointed out: people act on their passions, they do what they love--money etc. Nobody change their behaviors just because they understand a theory or a fact or how to's. That was what white Christians believe--good message would automatically bring good discipleship. No, the passion have to be changed....

Here is the gospel of God's righteousness, to save ALL who believes, no only after one's death, but even more so to this fight with social evil of racial injustice, following our King Christ. All ministers of churches, get up and take lesson from the American history!

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