Monday, March 27, 2023


昨天看見油管上一名作者接受訪談。Jared Yates Sexton寫的《American Rule: How a Nation Conquered the World but Failed Its People》是2020年出版的,副標題的意思是--美國作為一個國家,怎麼會征服了世界卻辜負了自己的人民呢?






December 10, 2022 5星 Serves a valuable purpose: There is not a lot new or revealing here for those who have read deeply into American history. But it’s a worthwhile read, particularly for those whose reading has been more casual. We didn’t get where we are by accident or “out of the blue.” Sexton pulls together a lot of strands to help make sense of the dystopia of the last several years. To be sure, Sexton sometimes takes an overly cynical or unbalanced view. For example, he highlights Lincoln’s letter to Greeley in August 1862 to support his point that Lincoln was morally indifferent to slavery. Lincoln was not, although he recognized the constitutional and legal restraints on his power. Lincoln in the Greeley letter was trying to prepare public opinion for the Emancipation Proclamation, which he had already drafted but not announced. He knew it would be unpopular with many in the generally racist North, so he had to frame it as a narrow measure aimed at saving the Union. Another example is Sexton’s discussion of the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. Sexton seems to argue that a “demonstration” should have preceded the bombings, ignoring the arguments of many historians that (a) it was by no means certain that a demonstration would be a success, (b) there was a very limited number of atomic bombs available in those early days, and (c) there was no guarantee that even a successful demonstration would have convinced Japan to surrender. But such reservations aside, he's on the mark in explaining today’s pathological and traitorous Republican Party. Although dark, this book serves a valuable purpose in exposing what Sexton calls the “Noble Lie” of traditional American history.

July 6, 2021 2星 Overambitious and Overreaching: I really wanted to like this book. When I first heard about it I thought it sounded like something right up my alley. I read it very intermittently and honestly found myself annoyed at times with the conclusions or at the very least wanting to agree but unconvinced with the argument outlined. I feel as though the author really lacks historical context on a lot of these issues and events, or missed an opportunity to come to a conclusion by choosing the wrong angle and intentionally works historical events into his already-decided-upon narrative, particularly as those events become further removed from the present. I think the author takes a lot of his own conclusions for granted, and needless rhetorical flourishes betray any pretense of objectivity.

Debunking the "American Myth" is a noble enough pursuit, but by the time I finished reading I found myself wanting more but not in a good way, wanting what I thought I was getting. For example, lambasting Madison for setting up a system of government that favored the upper-crust, one of the main causes of the renewed Constitutional Convention, according to Unruly Republic, was actually an excess of Democracy. Too many impoverished farmers placing demands on their local and state legislatures to print more money, leading to rampant inflation and a federal government powerless to deal with a failing national economy. That and given most of the population was illiterate, I can't really blame Madison and the other founders for concentrating power in the hands of the elites at the time, regardless of how it impacted the present, because how could they have known? They were reacting in a way that their situation demanded of them. And yes, undeniably the protection of slavery played a role in the shaping of the new government and that is deplorable, but the author doesn't really examine the debate around the issue, the Founders that spoke out against slavery and who is to blame for its ultimate and thankfully temporary triumph.

The author could have talked about the earliest abolitionists, how there have always been people speaking out against the evils of slavery up until the Civil War, how whites permitted and encouraged the abuses of slavery despite what more courageous individuals were arguing publicly. The author could have talked about the eradication of the US indigenous and American expansion into the West, the specific policies toward the indigenous and correspondence between generals, senators and the executive that shaped our genocidal behavior, the friends of the US indigenous speaking out as loudly as the abolitionists, again proving we always knew what we were doing was wrong, but you won't find any of that here.

Talk about the specific goons and companies behind the military-industrial complex, the through line of American history being the gradual reinforcement of the lesson that expansionism means profit and profit should be protected at all costs. Like I said, the closer the author gets to the modern era the less equivocal I feel, but I think an entire book could be written on the creation and the management of Ronald Reagan and how that opened the door to our current mess. Also, not to give away too much, I found it ended on a very dour note, not much in the way of advocating actual solutions or making me feel like things can improve. Just a vague call to action that doesn't address the obstacle that 90% of the world would rather just chase fame, but I digress. If it's everyone's responsibility, it's no one's responsibility.

All in all, I did pull a few interesting historical anecdotes to follow up on out of this book and enjoyed the Reagan-onward stuff, but feel that the author too-transparently worked our history into a "eat-the-elites" narrative that says more about our time than about theirs. History is a complex subject and shouldn't be treated as anything but. (歷史複雜,不只是「精英主宰」的故事。)

June 29, 2022 5星 History Repeats: History repeats when education fails because the natural human reaction is positive and uplifting when the truth is known. Democracy only succeeds with an informed populace. Real history 'American Rule' has to be taught in our schools such that myth is given no chance to perpetuate. (教育失敗讓歷史重演,了解事實歷史才會進步。)

November 24, 2021 5星 Powerful: I buy copies to send to friends. Profound revisionist history of particular value at this time in US history. Fascinating and gripping. You will learn things you haven’t known before starting with the factors, forces, agendas that influenced the shape of the Constitution. When was the last time you could not put down a history book?

October 24, 2020 5星 Worth the read: This book is contains a lot of referenced quotes and contains a lot of information concerning American History that my education system did not cover (NC high school or college). American History had always presented highlights of people, locations, court cases, and war strategies. They rarely discussed the social events occurring that influenced the people, locations, court cases, or battles. This book uses quotes from influencers to help the reader understand the social views that helped shape America into the country is is today. Don't take other peoples opinion on leaders, read their statements (in this book) and form your own opinion for yourself. This book does an excellent job communicating many contradicting statements in the conversation about the "American Values". Excellent read.

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