Friday, November 13, 2020


下面這段話摘自《I'm Sill Here》第五章,這位黑人作者Austin Channing Brown描述在一個以白人為主的基督教機構內工作的感受,這家機構顯然要屬於思想開放和尋求進步的一類。我感到她寫得太絕妙了。

Whiteness constantly polices the expression of Blackness allowed within its walls, attempting accrue no more than what's necessary to affirm itself. It wants us to sing celebratory "We Shall Overcome" during MLK Day but doesn't want to hear the indicting lyrics of "Strange Fruit". It wants to see a black person seated at the table but doesn't want to hear a dissenting viewpoint. It wants pat itself on the back for helping poor Black folks through missions or urban projects but has no interest in learning from Black people's wisdom, talent, or spiritual depth. Whiteness wants enough Blackness to affirm goodness of whiteness, the progressiveness of whitenss, the openheartedness of whiteness. Whiteness likes a trickle of Blackness, but only that which can be controlled.

我搜索到We Shall Overcome這首歌。很多人唱,但白人唱得比較輕鬆,甚至唱成兒童歌曲,不像有任何掙扎。或許我們在唱時,腦海中出現的是生活中遇到困難需要克服吧,但它其實是一首美國黑人的福音歌曲,人們在遊行示威爭取平等權利的時候唱這首歌。


Strange Fruit那首歌也找到了,原來唱的是KKK對黑人施以私刑,很多時候把他們掛在樹上吊死。屍體吊在那裡如同奇怪的果子--這首歌是對種族暴力的血淚控訴,1930年代寫的詩,譜上曲...直到現在還有許多事發生,讓黑人想到這首歌。

Austin Brown上面這段話所描述的是我們習以為常的現象。一個企業或事業機構有黑人工作人員,說明這家機構不歧視。一間教會有黑人會友來聚會,說明這教會的「多樣性」和包容接納。不過在組織架構上,在發揮才幹、鼓勵發表意見方面,白人文化可能會很有禮貌地聆聽,甚至把你的提議記下來,但支持你帶頭和行動起來?他們不知道該怎樣做。

白人文化是強調個體領導力的,而其他族裔往往需要的是群體同心協力精神。我們作為「非主流」族裔,不光需要一句「You go ahead with your energy and power」,更需要的是「What can we do to join your purpose/nice idea?」

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